Aurora download - NEW !!!! - Aurora 3.1 released! In this directory the whole set of Aurora plug-ins for CoolEdit is stored. The plug-ins are in the ZIP files called (Aurora 3.1, released on 8/1/2000). No installation procedure is required: simply copy the contents of the ZIP file within the directory where the CoolEdit Program was installed. If CoolEdit seems to not recognize the new modules, simply destroy the files called XFM.DAT and FLT.DAT. At the subsequent launch, CoolEdit will scan for new plug-ins and recreate the above two files. Registration of Aurora plug-ins. These plugins are not registered, You can use them only for evaluation. If You want to register, please wait until the new publisher (KAGI.COM) is ready to accept on-line registration. The unregistered plug-ins are fully functional, but they exhibit an annoying behaviour. Randomly (with a chance of 1:4) they crash CoolEdit! Of course, after registration this annoying behaviour disappears... Self-Registration of Aurora 3.1 plugins The new release of Aurora 3.1 introduces self-registration of the plugins. If You received Your username and reg.key from Acoustec, simply create a text file called AuroKey.txt, containing in the first line Your username, and the reg.key in the second line. Save this file in any directory in your PATH (i.e. C:\Windows). Then destroy the file XFM.DAT in the CoolEdit directory, so that CoolEdit is forced to re-inizialize the plugins at the next start. Each plugin will search for the AuroKey.txt file, and if found will read automatically the from it. Help Files The help files and the manual included are out-of-date with the current development of plug-ins. In a month or so the new, updated help files, in English, will be available on this site. In the meanwhile, please refer to the Aurora web pages for explanations. Enjoy it! Angelo Farina